Greases the wheels for getting things done
Task management apps are a dime a dozen. GOOD ones that focus on the important stuff are hard to find.
Procraster tackles a problem that every other app Ive seen fails to address: when theres a bunch of stuff to do, sometimes you just need to be told where to start. And sometimes even the process of coming up with a list is too daunting to know where to begin. Procraster helps you get started even before youve added your first task.
One improvement that Id like to see would be a little more guidance on breaking down huge tasks. Procraster draws an analogy to planning a moon landing, so Ill borrow that. If I start from a project named "Moon landing," Procraster will ask me to think small and think of the very first task for this project. My first thought is "Build rocket." Thats not thinking small, of course, but thats a key sub-project. It might be nice if Procraster could stop and make me think about this "Build rocket" task: is it truly small and manageable, or does it need to become its own project?
Of course Procraster offers the freedom to create as many projects as desired and to convert existing tasks into projects, so this is just something to fine-tune in the automated advice, not something that represents a serious design flaw. There is one thing Ive run into that does fall under the latter.
A task can be started with a running timer (counting down) or a stopwatch (counting up). The timer represents the familiar "Pomodoro" technique: work on a task for a fixed amount of time, then take a break. Ive run into a complicated situation with this, though: if I overestimate the amount of time a task takes, then I must either let the timer run out, or I must stop the task with a big red "Give Up" button. I havent done the latter because I refuse to claim defeat falsely and against my will.
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Procraster - Overcome Procrastination